our Past productions


Just some of our past productions over the last 8 years here at SnubNub Frenchies. Many people ask how is that we are able to become so attached, but then let puppies go after 8 weeks. Well, the simple answer is, that decision isn’t made easily. To make the decision easier on us, our puppies don’t just go anywhere, we make sure they are going to happy homes with puppy parents who display genuine care and love from the first moment they meet their furbaby. We love each and every one of our puppies like our own children during their first 8 weeks, so knowing where the next step in their life is after leaving our home is extremely important to us. We strongly encourage each of our puppy parents to keep in touch with us FOR LIFE with any questions, concerns and most importantly…PUPDATES on our babies…and most parents do.

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